If I were Marvin Gaye
And you were Diana
I'd take you in my
And kiss you in that
sort of awkward, unpleasant way that people kiss sometimes, you know like where
your teeth bang against each other?
We'd run along a
street, hand in hand
Singing love songs to
each other
And also possibly
songs only marginally connected to the subject, like What's Going On, which
although featuring a slight love-related theme, is more about a universal
concept of fraternal love than the romantic and sexual feelings which I would
wish to express to you, although it's an excellent song, really.
We would climb the
highest mountain
A big, icy mountain
Where Lex Luthor lives
In a castle
I would use my magical
Marvin Gaye-Ray to penetrate his lair
And you would stab him
with your mystical Diana Ross machete
And we'd celebrate
with an adequately cooked chicken.
If I were Marvin Gaye
And you were Diana
I'd spend all day
serenading you with my smooth vocal stylings, and you would clap and laugh and
drift away and occasionally ask whether that one was actually Otis Redding.
And I'd tell you to
shut up and slap you because honestly I have a severe alcohol problem that I
just won't get help for.
Which explains this whole poem.
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